♠ī¸21 BlackJack

A thrilling take on a timeless classic. Get ready to hit 21 in a whole new way!


Stack cards & hit 21 to clear the deck and score points.


  • Tap on the stack you want to place your card.

  • Black Jacks are Wild Cards that will clear any stack.

  • You can hold one card at a time. Tap on Hold to save a card for later. Tap to select and use it.

  • Use the Undo button to revert your last move.


  • If the sum of your cards goes over 21, you lose lives.

  • Ace cards can be used for either 1 or 11 points.

  • When you manage to place 5 cards in the stack without exceeding the sum of 21, you will receive bonus points & the stack will be cleared

Blackjack Bonus


5 Card Bonus


Streak Bonus








Deck Clear Bonus

+1000 (when user clears all cards)

Live Left Bonus

+400 per heart left

Time Bonus

+8 per second left. (If 100s left, the time bonus would be 800)

(Time bonus is only received when either all cards are cleared or the board is cleared)

Round Timer & Lives

  • Every player will have 5 minutes and 3 lives in each round.

  • The round will end if you either lose all 3 lives or run out of the timer.

Last updated